Frequently asked questions about French Bulldogs

Frequently asked questions about French Bulldogs The great depression of the 1920’s not only caused havoc on the hoomans, but made many dog breeds nearly extinct.

Frequently Asked Questions about French Bulldogs

Did you know Frenchies are know as the “clown dogs” in the dog kingdom?  These dogs have a funny personality.

A little history

The great depression of the 1920’s not only caused havoc on the hoomans, but made many dog breeds nearly extinct.  Sadly, Frenchies became a rare breed.  In the 1950’s a woman from Michigan, Amanda West began showing her French Bulldogs, and because of her hard work and dedication to the breed, reignited the French Bulldog love.

Do Frenchies really Fart?

Yes they do, and they stink!  We have learned that diet plays a big part in this and digestive enzymes can help.

why are frenchies so expensive?

They are expensive because of three reasons.

Generally, they need to be artificially inseminated.  Puppies are delivered via cesarean section.  And the demand for these dogs is high.

Looking for a good breeder?  We know a few.

Can Frenchies Swim?

For the most part, NO.

These dogs are more muscle then fat.

They need adult supervision and a life jacket.

why do frenchies snore?

They are a brachycephalic breed.  If you are serious about owning a Frenchie, this is a word you need to understand.

Do French Bulldogs

Make good pets?

They are bred to be companion dogs.  Some of the temperament traits they are known for are: sociable, patient, easygoing, playful, fun, affectionate

What is the lifespan of a frenchie?

10-14 years

What kind of care do French bulldogs need?

Are they high maintenance?
  • They don’t require much brushing. Just occasionally.  French Bulldogs have a medium to fine coat that sheds an average amount compared with other dog breeds.
  • Depending on your humidity levels frenchies need to have their paws and nose moisturized.
  • They are very temperate sensitive. These dogs do not do well in extreme temperatures.
  • They are prone to have allergies.

Do Frenchies shed?

Yes, they shed.  It can be minimalized with brushing a bath.  The amount of hair lost changes as the seasons change.

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